FOOD MODELS (Replika Makanan) adalah contoh bahan makanan/makanan yang dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga menyerupai bahan makanan/ makanan aslinya.
Pada dekade tahun 60-an, Puslitbang Gizi (sekarang Puslitbang Gizi dan Makanan) Bogor, mengawali pembuatan suatu model (contoh) bahan makanan/makanan yang dapat digunakan sebagai media (alat bantu) dalam memberikan penyuluhan gizi kepada ibu pasien balita penderita gizi buruk yang datang berobat ke Klinik Gizi Puslitbang Gizi Bogor. Media (alat bantu) penyuluhan tersebut sekarang lebih dikenal dengan nama FOOD MODELS.
Pada perkembangan selanjutnya seiring dengan banyaknya kegiatan penelitian dan Pengembangan yang dilakukan di Puslitbang Gizi dan Makanan Bogor, FOOD MODELS tidak hanya digunakan sebagai media dalam penyuluhan gizi, tetapi juga sangat membantu petugas gizi di lapangan pada waktu kunjugan rumah (Home Visit) dalam melakukan Recall bahan makanan/makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh responden. Dengan menggunakan FOOD MODELS, petugas gizi di lapangan akan lebih mudah dalam memprediksi besarnya konsumsi bahan makanan/makanan yang sebenarnya. Dengan demikian, maka analisa terhadap konsumsi zat gizi dan perhitungan kebutuhan zat gizi responden lebih mendekati perkiraan sebenarnya
FOOD MODELS (Replication Food) are examples of foods / food made in such a way that resembles food / food originals.
In the decade of the '60s, Center for Nutrition (now the Center for Nutrition and Food) Bogor, initiating the development of a model (example) of food / food that can be used as a medium (tool) in providing nutrition counseling to mothers of patients severely malnourished toddlers who comes examined at the Nutrition Research Clinic Nutrition Bogor. Media (tool) extension is now better known as FOOD MODELS.
In the further development in line with the amount of research and development activities conducted at the Nutrition and Food Research Bogor, FOOD MODELS not just used as a medium in nutrition counseling, but also helpful staff in the field of nutrition at home kunjugan (Home Visit) in conducting materials Recall food / food consumed by the respondent. By using MODELS FOOD, officers in the field of nutrition will be easier to predict the amount of food consumption / food actually. Thus, the analysis of the consumption of nutrients and nutrient needs calculation respondents estimate closer to actual
In the decade of the '60s, Center for Nutrition (now the Center for Nutrition and Food) Bogor, initiating the development of a model (example) of food / food that can be used as a medium (tool) in providing nutrition counseling to mothers of patients severely malnourished toddlers who comes examined at the Nutrition Research Clinic Nutrition Bogor. Media (tool) extension is now better known as FOOD MODELS.
In the further development in line with the amount of research and development activities conducted at the Nutrition and Food Research Bogor, FOOD MODELS not just used as a medium in nutrition counseling, but also helpful staff in the field of nutrition at home kunjugan (Home Visit) in conducting materials Recall food / food consumed by the respondent. By using MODELS FOOD, officers in the field of nutrition will be easier to predict the amount of food consumption / food actually. Thus, the analysis of the consumption of nutrients and nutrient needs calculation respondents estimate closer to actual
FOOD MODELS saat ini banyak digunakan oleh petugas gizi / kesehatan dalam melakukan penyuluhan gizi, baik di Rumah Sakit, Klinik-klinik dokter, Klinik Bersalin, Puskesmas dan Posyandu. Di samping itu, FOOD MODELS juga sudah merambah sampai ke dunia pendidikan dalam rangka memperkenalkan jenis-jenis bahan
FOOD MODELS currently used by the officers of nutrition / health in doing nutritional counseling, both at the hospital, physician clinics, Maternity Clinic, health centers and integrated health. In addition, FOOD MODELS also been extended up to the world of education in order to introduce the types of materials
FOOD MODELS currently used by the officers of nutrition / health in doing nutritional counseling, both at the hospital, physician clinics, Maternity Clinic, health centers and integrated health. In addition, FOOD MODELS also been extended up to the world of education in order to introduce the types of materials
- Untuk selalu menjaga ukuran dan standar penukar yang benar sesuai kebutuhan, kami selalu mendapat masukan dari Direktorat Bina Gizi Masyarakat, Departemen Kesehatan RI.
- To always maintain a standard size and the correct exchange as needed, we always get input from the Directorate of Community Nutrition, Ministry of Health RI
Jenis bahan makanan/makanan dalam FOOD MODELS dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok berdasarkan kandungan zat gizinya.
Pengelompokkan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
A. Sumber Karbohidrat
B. Sumber Protein Hewani
C. Sumber Protein Nabati
D. Sayuran
E. Buah-buahan
F. Makanan Bayi
Types of food / food in FOOD MODELS divided into several groups based on nutritional content.
Groupings are as follows:
A. Carbohydrate Source
B. Source of Animal Protein
C. Vegetable Protein Source
D. Vegetables
E. Fruits
F. Baby Food
Groupings are as follows:
A. Carbohydrate Source
B. Source of Animal Protein
C. Vegetable Protein Source
D. Vegetables
E. Fruits
F. Baby Food
FOOD MODELS hasil produksi kami, secara kualitas lebih menyerupai bahan makanan aslinya, baik dari segi bentuk, ukuran maupun warna
Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah gypsum kualitas tinggi (import) dikombinasi dengan bahan kimia tertentu sehingga kualitas daya tahan lebih kuat.
Kami juga dapat melayani pesanan menggunakan bahan baku fiber untuk jumlah pesanan minimal 100 set.
FOOD MODELS our products, the quality of food is more like the original, both in terms of shapes, sizes and colors
Raw materials used are high quality gypsum (import) combined with certain chemicals so that the quality of a stronger resistance.
We also can serve an order to use fiber raw materials for a minimum order amount of 100 sets.
Raw materials used are high quality gypsum (import) combined with certain chemicals so that the quality of a stronger resistance.
We also can serve an order to use fiber raw materials for a minimum order amount of 100 sets.
FOOD MODELS dapat dipergunakan dalam ruangan seperti RS, klinik, Praktek dokter atau dibawa ke lapangan seperti Posyandu, kunjungan rumah (home visit) pada waktu survey konsumsi bahan makanan/makanan di rumah tangga dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena FOOD MODELS sudah dilengkapi tas jinjing yang mudah untuk dibawa.
FOOD MODELS can be used in rooms such as hospitals, clinics, physician practices, or brought to the field such as integrated health, home visits (home visit) at the time of the survey of food consumption / food in the household, and so forth. This is possible because of fully equipped FOOD MODELS tote bag easy to carry.
Murah / CHEAP
Dibandingkan bahan makanan/makanan asli, FOOD MODELS lebih tahan lama. Hal ini dikarenakan kita tidak perlu menggantinya setiap hari seperti halnya apabila kita menggunakan bahan makanan/makanan asli yang bisa rusak atau busuk.
Compared to food / food native, MODELS FOOD more durable. This is because we do not need to change every day as if we use food / authentic food that can be damaged or rotten.
1. Puslitbang Gizi merupakan institusi resmi yang pertamakali memulai pembuatan Food Models
2. Food Models yang kami produksi sudah banyak digunakan, baik oleh instansi pemerintah, swasta maupun LSM kesehatan
3.Mutu dan pelayanan selalu kami utamakan sehingga kami bisa bertahan berpuluh-puluh tahun sampai saat ini.
1. Center for Nutrition is the first official institutions start making Food Models
2. Food Models we produce are widely used, both by government agencies, private and NGO health
3. Quality and service are always our priority so we can survive decades until now.
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